The first is a collection from my Gesture newsprint pad. The second, from Figure. And the third, the line drawing for a piece I'm doing for Figure. Value comes next week.
The first one was taken with Lisabeth's camera, which is very nice. The last three were taken with Danielle's film camera. Film is such a laborious, painful process. I love it and hate it at the same time. I touched the last three up in Photoshop a bit, because my scanning bed is dusty... and the film came out really grainy. Check 'em out on Flickr, please!
So, we did some gesture drawings in Figure Illustration, today. I'm pretty excited, because tomorrow I have my gesture drawing class where I'll be doing more of the same... for 16 weeks. haha. But, I really need to learn to draw humans in various poses, from my mind.